Public space lighting | Quasar Holland | Public space lights


Public space lighting

QUASAR Being a rising star

Are you taken an interest in public space lighting? Do you need public space lighting within in a short period of time, but the public space lighting also needs to be timeless and unique? You have come to the right website by clicking on Quasar Holland! We have been the specialists for unique and timeless lighting, especially public space lighting. Quasar Holland belongs to the creative avant-garde in the decorative worldwide lighting market and our collection is internationally recognised. Quasar Holland is established in Giessen, Netherlands. Our brand for high end lighting is meant for residential and contract use for hotels and more. Next to our offices we have our own production hall, where we manufacture all our public space lighting. At Quasar Holland you will find ceiling lamps, chandeliers, floor lamps, suspended lamps, suspension, table lamps and wall lamps and all models are very appropriate for public space lighting. Quasar Holland has been installing LED (light-emitting diode) for more than a decade now, the reasons being that LED is durable, energy efficient and cost effective. Almost all our models are equipped with the best LED quality nowadays. It is important to have our own production hall, as this enables us to fully customize the models that you have picked out for your public space lighting. Once you have chosen a model, we can tailor size, colour and finish. Take a look at our collection on this website to give you an idea what Quasar Holland has to offer for public space lighting!

Get inspired by the lighting of Quasar!

Unique perspective

Famous designers working on public space lighting

From the beginning Quasar Holland has always worked with national and international famous designers. We believe strongly this is the only way that we are able to offer you unique and timeless public space lighting. Each of these designers is world famous for their creativity, making the lighting stand out. 

Public space lighting since 1992

Our family owned and operated company was launched internationally at Euroluce in Milan, Italy, in 1992 by our founder, Teun van Gammeren. Euroluce is the biennially International Lighting Exhibition, where the most innovative solutions in the field of light for interiors and exteriors are presented. It is recognised as the global benchmark lighting exhibition, with the focus on technological innovation, but also on design culture. Exactly the environment where Quasar Holland thrives and grows! Since the early days, our collection has grown importantly and our lighting has been a huge contribution to the world of public space lighting. Since 1992 we became a serious world player within the high-end lighting market and we are able to maintain that strong position. Our export accounts for 85% of turnover. To uphold this strong position, we add completely new models to the collection every year. 


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